Rebound to Schubert
01apr5:00 pmRebound to SchubertMusic Under the Dome Series
Event Details
Our last MUTD program of the season, entitled Rebound to Schubert will begin with several colorful works for percussion instruments, offered by students from the Schwob Percussion Studio under the
Event Details
Our last MUTD program of the season, entitled Rebound to Schubert will begin with several colorful works for percussion instruments, offered by students from the Schwob Percussion Studio under the direction of Dr. Paul Vaillancourt. First up is Velocities, a speedy work for marimba by Pulitzer Prize-winning composer, Joseph Schwanter and performed by Sebastian Ocando. Next is Andy Akiho’s Amythest for solo vibraphone, and atmospheric work performed by Lucas White. This will be followed by Iannis Xenakis’ Rebounds B, a fabulous work featuring complex math for a multi-percussion set-up, performed by Isaac Tormey. We’ll conclude the season with two more amazingly beautiful works by Franz Schubert. The first is his Impromptu No. 3, Op. 90 performed by Kisun Kim, and the second is his Impromptu No. 4, Op. 90, performed by Jiayuan Li, both excellent pianists in the studio of Dr. Esther Park, the L. Rexford Whiddon Distinguished Chair in Piano.
Reception at 5 pm with wine and cheese, and a 45-minute concert at 5:37 pm!
April 1, 2025 5:00 pm EST(GMT-04:00)